Services We Offer

Austin is one of the most exciting real estate markets in the country, and we love helping people navigate the process to find their perfect fit within this great city.

We will discuss your wants, needs and goals to best understand how to help throughout the buying process.  The criteria and timeframe discussed is the foundation behind the strategy of moving forward in the buying process.  It is vital to understand what market factors and historical trends affect home sales currently. You are making the decisions so we ensure we are educating our clients to make informed decisions.  We are here to coordinate all the steps in the home buyer process all the way to closing.  We manage the process from the initial meeting to after closing the property.

We will identify what differentiates your house from others in your neighborhood area. Assess your home's condition.  Selling your home with LJ Residential is a partnership.  We work together to develop both marketing and pricing strategies to met your financial and timeline goals.  

We stay abreast to market conditions across the entire Greater Austin area as well as National trends to better assist our clients.  Through our relationships with trusted service providers around the city, across dozens of industries, our services span beyond assisting just finding you a home. 

We typically work with Technology companies relocating their personnel in and out of Austin.

Decades of local investment experience affords us insights on our growing city.

Do you own investment properties and want to check to see if your investment is optimized?

Are you looking to purchase a lot or purchased a home that needs to be remodeled?  Do you want to know exactly what you can and can't build?  Austin is one of the most difficult cities in the country to understand the building codes and requirements.  We are ready to consult on your permitting, building code or entitlement needs.

Work With LJ

Understanding your lifestyle and how your home functions within it are key to beginning a successful home sale or purchase. We’ll be your guide through the process, leading with transparency to minimize any guesswork.